Hello Tom .
It is with a heart of praise and thanksgiving to God that I write you this night.
I paid off a roughly $5000+ creditor account today!!!!!! GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!!!!!
Truly the Lord has helped me so so so so so so much and has been merciful towards me.
I began paying $500 biweekly since October 2021.
God had me take your Zoom class right on time. This was a big debt and because of what I learned in your classes concerning the Word of God I decided not to take any offers to pay less of my debt but instead I desired to pay it all. I could not have actually done so without God helping me each step each day each week each month.
I currently have several other loans that I am now going to begin paying off. PRAISE GOD, Tom!
Your ministry has been a great blessing to me and your email responses helped me avoid taking another loan of about 40% interest just to pay off the other debt. …I need to thank you and those who labour with you in your ministry.
Brampton ON, Canada