Financial Management God's Way
Management of money on our relationship with God and God’s promises on our stewardship responsibilities.
Financial Management God's Way Introduction 1 of 2

Financial Management God's Way Introduction 1 of 2

Financial Management God's Way Introduction 2 of 2
Financial Management God's Way Session 1 - 1 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 1 - 1 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 1 - 2 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 1- 3 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 1- 4 of 15
Session 1:
Management of Money
What are God’s “true riches” that are dependent upon one’s management of money?
Session 2:
Christian Stewardships
What is your understanding of Christian Stewardship or Biblical Stewardship?
Financial Management God's Way Session 2 -1 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 2 -1 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 2 - 2 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 2 - 3 of 15

Financial Management God's Way Session 2 - 4 of 15
Financial Management Session 3 part 1

Financial Management Session 3 part 1

Financial Management Session 3 part 2

Financial Management Session 3 part 3

Financial Management Session 3 part 4
Session 3:
Biblical Stewards
Do you think there’s a difference between a secular perspective and a biblical perspective on managing money and material things?
Session 4:
God's Perspective on Debt and the Importance of Saving
Be careful, if you borrow money you may become a servant to the lender
Financial Management Gods Way Session 4 - 1 of 3

Financial Management Gods Way Session 4 - 1 of 3

Financial Management Gods Way Session 4 - 2 of 3

Financial Management Gods Way Session 4 - 3 of 3
Financial Management Session 5 part 1

Financial Management Session 5 part 1

Financial Management Session 5 part 2

Financial Management Session 5 part 3

Financial Management Session 5 part 4
Session 5:
Get Out of Debt
Pray and ask God for His wisdom and His specific direction as to what you should do to become debt-free
Session 6:
The purpose of budgeting is to ensure that you spend less than you earn so that you have a surplus to pay down debt and save for future needs.
Financial Management Session 6 part 1

Financial Management Session 6 part 1

Financial Management Session 6 part 2

Financial Management Session 6 part 3

Financial Management Session 6 part 4
Financial Management Gods Way Session 7 - 1 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 7 - 1 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 7 - 2 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 7 - 3 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 7 - 4 of 12
Session 7:
Obtaining Godly Counsel & Wisdom
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt.
Session 8:
Giving Generously
To learn to give generously to God’s work and experience the joy of giving
Financial Management Gods Way Session 8 - 1 of 6

Financial Management Gods Way Session 8 - 1 of 6

Financial Management Gods Way Session 8 - 2 of 6

Financial Management Gods Way Session 8 - 3 of 6

Financial Management Gods Way Session 8 - 4 of 6
Financial Management Gods Way Session 9 - 1 of 7

Financial Management Gods Way Session 9 - 1 of 7

Financial Management Gods Way Session 9 - 2 of 7

Financial Management Gods Way Session 9 - 3 of 6

Financial Management Gods Way Session 9 - 4 of 7
Session 9:
Investing God's Way
Invest money God’s way and God will meet your needs. Develop and implement a biblically-based investment strategy.
Session 10:
Developing Godly Attitudes Toward Money
Worldly Attitudes result in DEBT. Godly attitudes result in minimal
debt or no debt.
Financial Management Gods Way Session 10 - 1 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 10 - 1 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 10 - 2 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 10 - 3 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 10 - 4 of 12
Financial Management Gods Way Session 11 - 1 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 11 - 1 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 11 - 2 of 12; Smart People Use Other People’s Money

Financial Management Gods Way Session 11 - 3 of 12

Financial Management Gods Way Session 11 - 4 of 12
Session 11:
Financial Deceptions
Do you think living paycheck to paycheck is common? Jesus recommends that you save for future needs.