Financial Management God's Way Webinar Series
Mon, Aug 24
Session 2: Management of Money Impacts Relationship with God and Spouse
Time & Location
Aug 24, 2020, 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. EDT
About the Event
Jesus said "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you" [John 14:27].
Are you experiencing God's peace in the area of finances? If not, then you're probably not managing Money God’s Way.
The Bible has about 500 verses on prayer, 500 verses on faith, and 2350 Scriptures that apply to money and material things, and of interest, only about 3% applies to giving and about 97% applies to other areas of managing money.
Most Christians understand tithing but have little knowledge of the majority of the Scriptures that apply to finances, and as a result, they unknowingly violate biblical financial principles and later suffer the consequences.
We have a solution!
Commencing Monday, August 17, 2020 from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM [Eastern Standard Time], and going for 10 Monday evenings, Tom Copland and his trained leaders will be leading an in-depth biblical financial study titled "Financial Management God's Way".
Topics include:
- Managing Money during COVID-19
- Stewardship
- Management of Money Impacts Your Relationship with God and Spouse
- Secular Versus Biblical Perspective on Money
- God's Perspective on Debt and Saving
- Steps to Get Out of Debt
- Budgeting
- Obtaining Godly Counsel
- Giving Generously
- Investing
- Developing Godly Attitudes Towards Money & Financial Deceptions
*Note there will be two-hours of homework for each session.
This is the study where we see the most permanent long-term change in the way people think about and manage money. God has blessed thousands of people who’ve gone through this study enabling them to reduce debt, save for future needs, and experience God’s peace in the area finances.
More specifically the webinars will occur on Monday evenings 7:30 PM-9:30 PM [Eastern Standard Time], on August 17, August 24, August 31, September 14, September 21, September 28, October 5, October 19, October 26 and ending on November 2, 2020.
[Note-we are skipping that the Canadian holidays-Labor Day September 7 and Thanksgiving October 12.]
If you would like to be registered for this webinar series, so that we can send you a link for the Zoom meeting, a couple of days before each session, then RSVP below.
There is no cost to attend the webinar, however, experience has shown that those people who do the homework [about 2 to 3 hours per week], attend all or almost all of the sessions, will get a lot more out of this workshop series. In order to do the homework, you need to purchase a copy of Tom’s book titled “Financial Management God’s Way".
In other words, to get the most out of this series, obtain a copy of the book, faithfully do the homework in advance of each session, including meditating upon the memory verses for each session, and we know from experience that you will benefit greatly from this webinar series.
If you’re interested in obtaining Tom’s book as a PDF, the cost is $20 Canadian, then please click here.
If you would like a hard copy of Tom’s book, the cost is $40 Canadian plus shipping and so you need to click here.
If for some reason you cannot afford a copy of the book, please explain your circumstances, and we will probably send you a copy for free. If that’s your case, please send us an email with your explanation.