Financial Management God's Way Small Group (Tom Lipp and Brad Guthrie)
Thu, Jul 22
This small group will meet Thursday evenings from 7 - 9 PM MT (Alberta time) from July 22, 2021, to October 7, 2021. Two of our experienced small group leaders will be leading Tom's in-depth biblical financial study titled "Financial Management God's Way” on Zoom.

Time & Location
Jul 22, 2021, 7:00 p.m. MDT – Oct 07, 2021, 9:00 p.m. MDT
About the Event
Most Christians understand tithing but have little knowledge of the majority of the Scriptures that apply to finances, and as a result, they unknowingly violate biblical financial principles and later suffer the consequences.
We have a solution!
Starting on Thursday, July 22 2021 from 7 PM to 9 PM Mountain Time. (i.e. Alberta, Canada time) and going for 12 weeks, two of our experienced small group leaders will be leading Tom's in-depth biblical financial study titled "Financial Management God's Way”.
All small groups will take place online using the Zoom webinar so it doesn't matter where you live.
FYI-there is no cost to just listen in on the webinar/small group, however, experience has shown very clearly, that those people who do the homework [about 2 to 3 hours per week], attend all or almost all of the sessions, will get a lot more out of this workshop series. In order to do the homework, you need to purchase a copy of Tom’s book titled “Financial Management God’s Way".
In other words, to get the most out of this series, obtain a copy of the book, faithfully do the homework in advance of each session, including meditating upon the memory verses for each session.
If you’re interested in Tom’s book as a PDF, the cost is $14.00, then please click here.
If you would like a hard copy of Tom’s book, the cost is $40.00 plus shipping and so you need to click here.
If for some reason you cannot afford a copy of the book, please explain your circumstances, and we will probably send you a copy for free. Just reply to this email.
If this small group does not work for you in terms of the timing, we will have a number of small groups starting anywhere from mid-August to mid September. If interested then please send an email to and we can include you on our financial moment email list so that you will be notified.